M/s. CLIFFKUMAR ENGINEERING PVT. LTD began its journey in the year 1983 as CK Enterprises which made a modest beginning as a fabrication shop three decades ago. We started out with small unit doing fettling and light fabrication jobs. Adherence to quality and schedule earned the company reputation and also the confidence of its customers.

Today we are privileged to have connected to many major clients in the structural industry for past 37 years.


  • Belief in the philosophy and adherence to it makes things happen.
    From a small work shop to a modestly big work space and bigger working capabilities, the company has made a brisk progress over the last twenty years. Our on sight working strength and the ability to handle the non standard jobs is proven in many ways. Our customer loyalty says it all.
  • Space, Equipment and material handling capabilities have increased manifold. The workspace houses a gamut of fabrication equipment to name a few, a series of EOT cranes with capacity ranging to 20 MT SWL and mobile hydraulic cranes with handling capacity of up to 12 MT facilitate the in house material handling.
  • Fabrication work of a structure housing 40,000 sq.ft. space will give an idea of our capability to handle large scale onsite jobs.
  • The factory will soon occupy additional bigger space where the setup is already underway.

  • We believe that men behind the machines make all the difference. The drive to excel and deliver the expected makes the difference. The basic qualifications required to achieve the impossible.
  • Every member of the team understands the responsibility to perform his best. The spirit shows in the work which in turn generates impetus in the growth of an organization.
Expert Team

  • Ours is a team of well-qualified & Experienced engineers & technicians having excellent record in the field of structural, oil refineries, oil rigs and process platforms, Chemical, power plant equipment’s like condenser & other allied companies pertaining to mechanical & other connected activities.


What Our Clients Say

Sukriti Chatterjee

Manager Construction, MBECL

We explored for real good team and direction on how to implement our project specification and CLIFFKUMAR ENGINEERING PVT LTD helped us to put these ideas into real action. This allowed us to expand our operational capacity and future opportunities. The team at CLIFFKUMAR ENGINEERING PVT LTD is great and engaging. They have been a massive help in terms of business and especially in helping us to deliver our on time commitments.

Driven By Values, Delivering On A Vision.